
Helpful Dental Tips For Kids

Heed These Helpful Dental Tips Before The Kids Are Back In School Your kids have been out of school for a couple months now, but before you know it it’ll be time to ease them into the back-to-school routine. Lost in all the fracas is the time necessary to receive a regular checkup. You were

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Ditch The Smoking Habit

Ditch The Smoking Habit For Excellent Oral Health There are a lot of tobacco users in this country. Whether it’s smoking, dipping, or any other kind of activity, tobacco can leave your mouth, and especially your smile, worse off. Think about it. There are countless carcinogens inside of a single cigarette that can have devastating

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Say What You Mean

Say What You Mean – To Be Unclear Is To Be Unkind Gum disease is caused by a buildup of plaque around or below the gum line. These plaque deposits harden into tartar which can irritate gum tissue leading to gingivitis. This is a mild form of gum disease that is easily treated at your

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Dental Care From Plaque

What many dentists know is that plaque is a biofilm, a combination of bacteria (500+ types), fungi, and protozoa, that mixes with nutrients from foods and drinks in the mouth to create a self-sustaining ecosystem. When plaque builds up near the gum line, it creates wounds that are the start of periodontal (gum) disease. What

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Air Abrasion

Air Abrasion Rare is the person who goes through life without a single cavity. (If you know any people this fortunate, we would love to meet them!) Of course, a cavity means a filling, and a filling means—you guessed it—a drill. Or maybe not. Today, we can use air abrasion to remove decay and portions

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