Helpful Dental Tips For Kids

Heed These Helpful Dental Tips Before The Kids Are Back In School

Your kids have been out of school for a couple months now, but before you know it it’ll be time to ease them into the back-to-school routine. Lost in all the fracas is the time necessary to receive a regular checkup. You were a kid once, what did you do during the summer? You most likely spent your days outdoors with friends getting into trouble and doing who knows what. Now that you’re older, you should understand the importance of a dental checkup, especially for your kids. Who knows what kinds of sugary treats and other goodies they’ve been gorging on for the past couple months. A dental checkup can check for problems and help keep their mouths healthy throughout the school year.

The best way to keep your little one on the road to optimal oral health, is by compiling a back-to-school checklist. This is a great way to keep your children’s oral health in check. What all should be included on this checklist? Here are some friendly tips to help you get started:

  • Take them to regular dental examinations. Unless you’re a licensed dentist, you won’t be able to tell whether or not your child has an infection or disease inside their mouth. Some symptoms never show at all. Your dentist is the only one who can properly diagnose and eradicate bacteria or an infection. It saves your child future pain and doesn’t keep them away from the classroom.
  • Help them practice excellent dental hygiene. There’s a lot more to brushing and flossing than meets the eye. It is entirely possible to practice incorrect brushing and flossing techniques, and in order to keep their mouths happy and healthy, you may need to show them how it’s done. There are countless online resources for guidance, or, just give your dental office a call.
  • Pack healthy lunches. Ditch sugary treats for healthy options like grains, milk, yogurt, fruit and raw vegetables. Not only do they keep teeth healthy, but they have whitening benefits as well. Fruit, like strawberries and oranges, help teeth naturally whiten.
  • Protect their mouths during sporting activities. Mouthguards are designed to keep your teeth in place and away from danger. They’re especially useful for organized sports, playing on the playground, or physical education classes.

Ensure your kids’ mouths are in great shape by being proactive and making an end-of-summer checklist. Send them back to school with smiles that are sure to turn them into teacher’s pets.

